Kusum Jyoti has devoted her life to healing.
She has found the ancient sciences of
Jyotish, Yoga and Ayurveda
to be most potent.
These medicines have removed what is not and
continue to reveal what is.
They have brought her freedom,
explained life and helped her create the future.
They have shifted her from,
victim to warrior.
In addition to becoming a teacher,
Kusum Jyoti has healed herself, her ancestors, practiced, studied and taught in Canada, India
and the United States.
She has been initiated into an ancient lineage, earned over a thousand hours of training and completed spiritual service with the esteemed Akhanda Yoga Institute.
Kusum Jyoti shares in a manner that
honours ancient roots,
embraces holistic nature and is always therapeutic.
- 25 Canadian dollars
- 75 Canadian dollars
- Starting at $150
- 200 Canadian dollars